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How To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck

How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

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Picture this… It’s the 25th day of the month. You’re stressed because your grocery and food supply is almost over. 

Unfortunately, you can do nothing about your situation because you already maxed out your credit card in a recent emergency. 

But there’s a ray of hope. The month ends on the 30th, and that’s your pay day! You only have to survive the next five days. 

Does this sound familiar to you? Are you stuck in a vicious cycle of living paycheck to paycheck? Are you tired of accumulating more debts to meet your basic needs?

I’ve been there, and trust me, it was the worst time of my life. I decided enough was enough. I wanted to afford what I wanted regardless of the time for the month. 

I managed to get beyond that, and you can do it too. If you’re wondering how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, this post is for you.

I’ll cover tips that helped me break out of the destructive cycle of debt and financial insecurity in the hope that they work for you, too. 

How To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck 

The most probable reason you’re living paycheck to paycheck is the mismanagement of funds. Maybe you’re prioritizing things that aren’t as important as they seem. 

If that’s the problem, you’ll need to re-evaluate your finances, stick to a budget, and start investing in your future.

Or maybe your income simply isn’t enough to cover your basic needs. In that case, you’ll need to ask for a raise or find a side hustle to finance your lifestyle. 

Whichever the cause of your financial crisis, the tips below will help you stop living paycheck to paycheck.

1. Track Your Spending To Determine Where You’re Wasting Money  

Knowing what you’re spending your money on is the first step to getting your financial life in order. 

Categorize your expenses in the following:

  • Basic needs 
  • Debt repayments 
  • Wants 

Basic needs include housing, food, clothing, health insurance, and utility bills. Debt repayments include everything, including that $60 you owe a friend for lunch. 

Remember, the aim is to track every penny, no matter how small the expense. 

The last category is wants. These are items you can do without but add a bit of luxury to your life. Examples are eating out, vacations, and entertainment. 

When doing my financial analysis, I discovered I used almost half my paycheck on non-essential things. 

For instance, I used to spend $20 for lunch daily instead of the more affordable alternative of packing lunch for work. 

This $20 accumulates to $440 for 22 workdays! Imagine constantly complaining about a lack of finances while spending such an amount on fast food monthly. 

This all boils down to the importance of tracking your expenses. It helps you identify areas to cut back on to save money for your financial goals. 

You can monitor your expenditure manually with pen and paper, on a spreadsheet, or using an expense-tracking app like YNAB or EveryDollar.

2. Create a Budget and Stick To It  

Budgeting for every penny can be overwhelming sometimes, but it’s an excellent way to keep your spending habits in check. 

First, set clear financial goals, then explore different budgeting systems to find one that works for you. Some examples include: 

  • The 50/30/20 rule: This system recommends allocating 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings. 
  • The Envelope system: This involves labelling envelopes with expense categories and allocating cash in line with your expenses. For instance, one envelope could have $400 for food and another $500 for savings. This system relies on using physical cash instead of the convenience of cards, which may make you spend more. 
  • Zero-based system: In this system, you include your savings in your expenses so that the two add up to your income without leaving extra cash for discretionary spending.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Trial and error is the most effective way to find the best system that aligns with your needs and spending habits. 

Feel free to combine multiple methods for optimum financial management. In addition, these budgeting tips will help you.

3. Live Below Your Means  

Living below your means doesn’t involve looking for cheap deals for everything or compromising your living standards. It simply means not spending money you don’t have. 

Trying to sustain a lifestyle you can’t afford will only lead to more debt. You can free up more cash by eliminating non-essentials like cable TV, subscriptions you no longer use, and brand-name products. 

Cable TV was taking so much money, yet I seldom used it. I decided to switch to Netflix, which is more affordable and convenient even on the go. 

Another way to live within your means is by growing your own food. This is an effective way to save on groceries. 

Also, consider eating out less often and preparing meals in advance to reduce grocery trips.

Other alternatives include downsizing your home, relocating to a cheaper city, and using public transport to eliminate the costs of owning and maintaining a car. 

Adopting a frugal lifestyle isn’t easy, especially if you make massive changes like moving to a different town. However, it’s a price you have to pay for the long-term reward of financial stability.

Plus, with a minimalist lifestyle comes more self-awareness and control. You’re less likely to succumb to peer pressure to splurge money on unnecessary items. 

4. Pay Yourself First  

Do you often spend money to the last dollar, leaving none for savings? If so, paying yourself first might be the solution you’re searching for. 

Paying yourself first means deducting your savings before catering to your expenses. 

For instance, if your salary is $4,000 monthly and you want to adopt the 50/30/20 principle, you’ll set aside $800 for savings immediately after you receive your paycheck. 

However, this rule isn’t written in stone. You may have a strict minimalist budget that spends all your money, making paying yourself first hard to achieve. 

In that case, start small, say $50 or $100 monthly. 

Don’t hit the big dollars if your income doesn’t allow you to. You may end up with mental health issues caused by the constant financial stress. 

how to stop living paycheck to paycheck

Rounding up your spare change with Acorns is an alternative strategy for paying yourself. When you purchase an item for $4.50, Acorns rounds up the amount to $5 and saves the extra $0.50.

When your balance accumulates to $5, Acorns invests it into stocks and EFTs. 

This may seem insignificant, but given the compounding effect of time, it’s enough to improve your financial situation in a few years.

Get $20 when you set a recurring investment of at least $5 on Acorns.

5. Get Out of Debt 

You must pay off your debts as soon as possible to be financially free. I always feel bad when I settle a huge debt because it’s like spending money without actually doing it. 

However, letting the debts accumulate interest over time is fatal. Therefore, it’s better to handle them now so that you won’t have to worry about them in the future. 

First, add up all your debts to understand what you’re against. Remember to include everything regardless of how insignificant the amount might seem. 

Next, assess your financial situation and add up all your income to determine a definitive strategy to pay off your debts without stretching beyond your capacity.

Some of the strategies I use to pay off  debt include:

  • Snowball method: This entails settling the small debts before moving on to larger ones. 
  • Consolidating your loans: This involves taking out a new loan with lower interest rates to pay off your debts. This may reduce the interest accrued over time.
  • Debt avalanche method: Similar to snowball, but involves handling large debts first as you work your way downwards. 

Choose one that aligns with your goals and needs and see how that goes. Don’t be afraid to switch to a different strategy if one doesn’t cut it.   

6. Automate Your Savings  

I’d often forget to save money even after spending much time outlining my financial goals and strategies. Apps like Raisin have been evolutionary in the world of saving and investment. 

With Raisin, you can automate your savings so that they’re deducted from your account immediately when your salary comes in. 

This way, you’re relieved of the frustration of manually updating and monitoring your savings. The best part is they offer high APY rates of up to 5.28%.

Instead of letting your money sit in a conventional account, you can make it work by accruing interest in a high-yield savings account like Raisin.

Join Rasin Today!

7. Delay and Save Up for Big Purchases  

Spending money on things you love is one of the best ways to stay motivated and disciplined to continue working hard. 

However, it doesn’t mean you should dig into your pocket whenever Apple releases a new iPhone or Macbook. 

I cultivated the saving culture in college. People always wondered how I afforded most of the things I had back then with a small monthly allowance from my parents. 

My secret has always been saving. If I want a couch, I’ll calculate the total cost, including delivery fees, and then break it down into small chunks that align with my pay schedule. 

For instance, for a $100 couch, I’ll divide the amount into $25 monthly. From there, I’ll create a savings goal within my finances app, depositing $25 for four months and accumulating $100. 

By delaying gratification, you can spend your hard-earned money on different wants without causing a dent in your bank account or compromising your financial stability.

8. Ditch Bad Money Habits 

Do you always go beyond your grocery shopping budget to fulfill some guilty pleasures? Or perhaps you find yourself overspending without realizing it?

These are the kind of bad money habits you need to ditch to stop living paycheck to paycheck. Work with a budget and track your spending to see where your money goes.

Here is a life-changing strategy I used to overcome impulse buying: create a shopping list in line with your budget. From there, allocate the specific amount you need without leaving room for extra. 

When you’re tempted to buy something outside your list, you’ll have to sacrifice something on the list, which may lead to a shortage of supplies before your next paycheck.

Seek to improve your personal finance education to help you make more informed decisions and improve your financial security.

9. Build an Emergency Fund 

Have you ever dedicated your time to saving money for a goal, only to use it all in an emergency a few months later? Think about all the dedication and consistency going down the drain. 

I felt discouraged when I encountered this situation and almost resorted to ditching all my savings for future ideas. 

But this incident was a wake-up call, making me realize the importance of saving money for unexpected events like retrenchment or accidents. 

Having about 3-6 months’ worth of expenses in your emergency fund is a good start. 

However, if you feel stagnated while building the fund and would rather start seeing results from your efforts to save for the future, I recommend doing both in parallel. 

For instance, if you have $2000 left after covering expenses, you can channel $1,000 toward an emergency fund and the rest to your savings account. 

10. Find Ways To Increase Your Income 

Whether you budget or practice mindful spending, your efforts will unlikely bear fruit if your income isn’t enough for a bare-bones lifestyle. 

Exploring side hustles is an excellent way to make more money to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. 

Working part-time from home is easy, especially now that many companies are blending physical and remote work.

This makes it easy to stack your regular job with an additional income source. Start by researching in-demand skills you can teach yourself and then utilize free online resources to hone your skills. 

From there, search for gigs in your area of interest on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, LinkedIn, and Indeed.

Some common ways to earn extra income include the following: 

Extra Reading – How To Become a Millionaire Even If You’re Broke!

11. Complete a No-Spend Challenge  

You’re probably familiar with the 52-week money and 30-day workout challenges on Pinterest. 

The app is very resourceful; you can find printables to help you with your no-spending challenge.

The no-spend challenge helps you avoid purchasing non-essential items within a specific period. So, you won’t dine out, get that regular coffee, or new clothes you don’t need.

Generally, it takes about 21 days to build a habit, but you can make small 3-day or week-long strides.

Despite its restrictive nature, the no-spend challenge helps you get perspective on prioritizing your spending and distinguishing needs and wants. 

Incorporating it into your life can help you save more money and break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. 

12. Stop Always Choosing Convenience

I used to relate self-love with convenience. Whether purchasing products, taking an Uber, or dining out, I believed choosing convenience was a way of expressing love for myself. 

Well, it is, but not if it causes a dent in your pocket. Buying expensive things to feel good will only lead you deeper into debt and a hand-to-mouth lifestyle. 

You shouldn’t prioritize convenience while living paycheck to paycheck. Short-term gratification is worth sacrificing for long-term financial freedom. 

Working toward breaking that cycle helps you achieve financial stability, enabling you to afford convenience in the future without sacrificing anything. 

Next time you shop, consider generic products instead of brand-name products. Consider carrying a brown bag to work instead of eating at the expensive restaurant near the office.

Do you always drive to work? Consider switching to public transport, which is more convenient and pocket-friendly. 

13. Learn The Basics of Personal Finance 

Educating yourself on financial matters is an effective way to invest in yourself. The benefits are limitless. 

You’ll learn to manage your finances, invest the surplus effectively, explore alternative sources of income, and manage debt more responsibly. All these things are recipes for a financially free life.

Over 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck because we often avoid the topic of personal finance. 

It’s high time you get out of your comfort zone to steer your life toward a better future. 

I’m sure by now you’re wondering how to afford finance classes while living paycheck to paycheck. Thanks to technology, you can utilize numerous free online resources wherever you are. 

Instead of spending hours scrolling on social media, take five minutes to read my blog posts for a better understanding of better financial management. 

Don’t like to read? Worry not because YouTube is your friend. Numerous YouTubers share their stories to educate people on budgeting, investing, and debt management. 

If your attention span is too short to watch a YouTube video, you can follow social media influencers who discuss finances.

Alternatively, resort to TikTok for a 30-second lesson on liberating yourself from poor financial decisions.

14. Ask for a Raise 

If your job pays less than you’re worth, asking for a raise might be a way out of the paycheck-to-paycheck situation. 

This is a huge step, and I don’t recommend doing it unless you’re worth more than your job offers. 

Consider investing in in-demand skills in line with your job, like leadership, good communication, graphic design, proofreading, and social media management.

For instance, if you work as an assistant in a marketing firm, gaining graphic design skills will enable you to handle diverse tasks, thus leading to a raise. 

You can use free online resources, but having certification is more helpful in proving your point. After honing your skills, look for the opportunity to approach your boss and drop the ball.

Remember to be respectful and listen more. Your company may be unable to increase your pay due to financial constraints. In this case, I recommend finding a side hustle or a higher-paying job.

15. Avoid Lifestyle Creep  

Lifestyle creep refers to an increase in living standards in proportion to a salary increase. 

For instance, if your pay increases from $4,000 monthly to $6,000, you channel the extra $2,000 toward vacations and parties instead of savings and investments. 

Of course, your lifestyle is expected to improve as your pay increases, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of your future. 

If your expenses outweigh your income growth, you’ll likely end up in a financial strain, which may lead to more debt in an attempt to maintain your new lifestyle.

Furthermore, the higher your standard of living, the harder it’ll be to adjust if your financial status changes adversely. For example, if you lose your job.

Instead of spending all your extra income on unnecessary expenses, consider saving before upgrading your lifestyle. 

Some ways to improve your lifestyle while avoiding lifestyle creep include: 

  • Renovating your home instead of buying a new one
  • Buying a used car instead of a brand-new one
  • Set a budget and schedule for partying and dining out
  • Don’t compare yourself to your peers   

Final Thoughts 

Stopping a paycheck-to-paycheck cycle isn’t going to be easy. However, you can make it with the right attitude, discipline, dedication, and concrete strategies. 

Figure out where your money goes. You may spend too much on unnecessary things, condemning yourself to a hand-to-mouth lifestyle. 

Budgeting and saving always go hand in hand. Create an all-round budget, including all the fun activities, and stick to it. 

If your situation doesn’t change after applying in-home strategies like budgeting, tracking expenses, and saving, consider asking for a raise or finding a side hustle.

Lydia is a personal finance expert and the founder of Sproutinue, a personal finance site helping you find legit ways to make money, save money, and achieve financial freedom. She has been featured on various major financial publications, including Investopedia, Business Insider, GoBankingRates, and more.

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